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Annapolis DUI Lawyer

You need expert legal representation to defend you if you are charged with drunk driving or impairment. If you are charged with a DWI or DUI in Annapolis, Maryland, you may face the following penalties:

  • Probation

  • Substantial fines

  • Incarceration

  • Loss of driving privileges

These legal ramifications may have an impact on the rates you pay for car insurance or result in your policy being canceled. If your job requires you to be able to drive, the consequences of a drunk driving charge could cost you your job. When faced with these penalties, the experience of the DWI/DUI defense lawyers in Annapolis you employ can have a direct impact on the outcome of your DUI case. It is critical that you are represented by an attorney who is experienced and active in the defense of drunk driving cases, especially those involving inebriated boating.

Our Experienced DWI Lawyers in Annapolis, MD

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) govern many of the DUI certifications for Police Officers in Maryland. The Annapolis DUI lawyers FrizWoods Law Firm have a thorough understanding of DWI/DUI detection and the correct administration of field sobriety tests. This certification and training are required for police officers. We have the information, abilities, experience, and expertise necessary to effectively manage your case and safeguard your legal rights. Our team has the ability to influence the outcome of your DUI or DWI charges.

Every case is unique, and a variety of factors influence how the Maryland law applies to a certain combination of circumstances and facts. When handling your case and drafting your legal defense, we thoroughly evaluate your individual circumstances and facts.

We take the time to answer any questions and explain what happens in court and at the hearing before the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). We value our clients and aim to earn your trust.

Thousands of DUI/DWI cases have been handled by our firm. Because we actually care about our clients, the vast majority of our clients are referrals from previous clients.

We understand that many lawyers believe they are qualified to defend DUI/DWI cases. Sadly, we witness attorneys not doing justice for their clients on a regular basis by pleading them guilty in instances that should have gone to trial.

Our criminal defense and attorneys don't send out letters of solicitation for personal injury cases. We pledge to give your case our undivided attention, and we implore you not to be seduced by the "cheapest person in town" strategy. This is a major issue that requires an immediate response!

Furthermore, we offer a free consultation, so do yourself a favor and call us to talk about your situation.

Man performing field sobriety testing

Understanding DUI/DWI in Annapolis, Maryland

Clients typically benefit from the insights of a firm that understands the legal waters surrounding DUI/ DWI cases. Depending on the circumstances of your case and whether or not you have previously been convicted of DUI, you could face a variety of consequences. Each case is different, and our Annapolis DUI lawyers carefully examine each client's situation to decide the best course of action. Based on the circumstances, you may be charged with DUI (driving under the influence) or DWI (driving while impaired) in Maryland.

If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 or more, you may be charged with DUI perse(driving under the influence). If your BAC was 0.07 and there was evidence of impairment, you might be prosecuted with DWI (driving while imapired).

First-time DWI Penalties

If it's your first time committing a driving while impaired after a drunk driving offense, you may face the following penalties:

  • 60-day suspended license, and/or

  • $500 fine

  • Up to two months in jail

  • Eight points on your license

DUI Conviction Penalties

DUI convictions can have serious consequences, even if it is for a first-time offense. Penalties include:

  • Driver's license revocation for six months

  • Up to $1,000 fine

  • Up to one year in jail

  • 12 points on your license

*Repeat violations or aggravating factors such as a BAC of 0.15 or driving drunk with a child in the car result in substantially harsher punishments. If you refuse to submit to chemical testing following a DUI/DWI arrest or if you were driving with a suspended license at the time, you will face severe consequences.


What Do You Do if the Police Stops You?

Before agreeing to an alcohol concentration test, controlled hazardous substance concentration, or drug concentration, you have the right to consult a DUI/DWI attorney in Annapolis.

A minor accused of a DWI or DUI should always seek the advice of a criminal defense attorney. Juveniles are entitled to the same constitutional protections as adults, and they require the counsel and aid of an attorney at this vital time.

We Provide Aggressive Legal Representation to Protect Your Constitutional Rights

Before submitting to a blood or breath test to assess alcohol content, you should speak with a DUI attorney if you have been charged with drunk driving.

By law, police officers must adequately inform you of your rights when it comes to submitting to or refusing a breath or blood test for blood alcohol content. These aren't Miranda protections. This is detailed guidance about the administrative penalties that will be imposed against your driving privileges in Annapolis, Maryland if you take an alcohol breath test and get a reading of 0.08 percent or above, or if you refuse to take a breath or blood test.

An individual involved in a motor vehicle collision who is held by a police officer on suspicion of driving under the influence is required to submit to obligatory testing for drug or alcohol concentration in two circumstances:

When another individual suffered a life-threatening injury as a result of the accident

When another individual died as a result of the accident

There is no need to take a drug or alcohol test unless you are in one of these situations.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation Regarding Your DUI Charges

Call FrizWoods or contact us online for a free consultation to discuss the circumstances of your DUI case and receive legal guidance from competent and experienced Annapolis drunk driving defense attorneys. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and value our attorney-client relationship. Visit us at our Severna Park office to speak with a qualified DUI lawyer.