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Maryland Assault Lawyers

Charged with an assault in Maryland? We can help.

Maryland Assault charges can carry serious consequences for a person. Navigating the criminal justice system with Assault charges might seem impossible. The most important thing a person can do when charged with an assault is to hire a qualified Maryland assault attorney to represent them. Attorneys Max Frizalone and Luke Woods have handled hundreds of Assault Charge trials during their careers as public defenders, assistant states attorneys, and as private counsel. Max and Luke know the ins and outs of criminal law, and will defend your rights to ensure that your assault charge does not become an assault conviction

If you've received your first charge, you might have a lot of questions. We are here to answer them.

Assaults in Maryland come in two major categories:

How can the State prove a second degree assault?

The State can prove Assault in three different ways:

    Assault is intentionally frightening another person with the threat of immediate offensive physical contact or physical harm. In order to convict the defendant of assault, the State must prove:
    (1) that the defendant committed an act with the intent to place the victim in fear of immediate offensive physical contact or physical harm;
    (2) that the defendant had the apparent ability, at that time, to bring about offensive physical contact or physical harm; and
    (3) that the victim reasonably feared immediate offensive physical contact or ical harm; and
    [(4) that the defendant's actions were not legally justified.]

    Assault is an attempt to cause offensive physical contact or physical harm. In order to convict the defendant of assault, the State must prove:
    (1) that the defendant actually tried to cause immediate offensive physical contact with/physical harm to the victim;
    (2) that the defendant intended to bring about offensive physical contact/ physical harm; and
    (3) that the defendant's actions were not consented to by the victim

    Assault is causing offensive physical contact to another person. In order to convict the defendant of assault, the State must prove:
    (1) that the defendant caused [offensive physical contact with] [physical harm to] (name);
    (2) that the contact was the result of an intentional or reckless act of the defendant and was not accidental; and
    (3) that the contact was [not consented to by (name)] [not legally justified].

How can the State prove a first degree assault??
  • In order to prove a first degree assault case, the State must prove all of the elements of second degree assault and also must prove that:
    (1) the defendant used a firearm to commit assault; or
    (2) the defendant intended to cause serious physical injury in the commission of the assault.

A firearm is a weapon that propels a projectile by gunpowder or a similar explosive.
Serious physical injury means injury that
(1) creates a substantial risk of death; or
(2) causes serious and permanent or serious and protracted disfigurement or loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.

Long Reaching Impacts

A criminal conviction can have far reaching impact on your ability to vote, own a firearm, or apply for certain types of licenses. Don't go to Court with an ambulance chaser and cop a plea hire a qualified criminal defense attorney like Max Frizalone and Luke Woods to defend your rights.

Results matter.

If convicted of assault, you can expect to suffer serious consequences, including fines and jail time.If you're in Maryland, FrizWoods is here to help. With more than 25 years of experience, we'll take care of everything for you at an affordable price. Let us take care your case for you so you can focus on the most important aspects of your life. No matter where you are in the process, FrizWoods is here to help you! We specialize in defending people accused of Assault charges. When you're looking for the best criminal defense lawyer for your needs, we're here for you.

Contact us today

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Upper Marlboro Office
14513 Main Street, Ste B,
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

(301) 720-1917

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Columbia Office
6304 Woodside Court, Suite 110
Columbia, MD 21046

(410) 346-9384