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Howard County Assault Lawyer

If you have been charged with a first degree or second degree assault, contacting a Howard County Assault Lawyer is of the upmost importance. Assaults are criminal charges brought in either District or Circuit Courts in Howard County.

Judges in Howard County are unafraid to issue jail sentences on assault cases, so it is essential that you hire a qualified attorney to defend you on your case.

When should I contact a lawyer?

A person accused of an assault charge should contact a qualified Howard County Criminal Defense lawyer as soon as possible. Often this can be accomplished before charges are even filed, which could stop a criminal case from ever arising.

If you have been charged with an assault, then it is imperative that you contact a defense lawyer as soon as possible, well in advance of your Court date. If a warrant was issued, or if you were recently arrested, hiring an attorney is an important next step in your case as it progresses towards trial.

If your loved one is incarcerated having been charged with an assault in the first or second degree in Howard County, we may be able to assist in getting them a bail review for their release.

Assault Second Degree in Howard County

One of the more common Howard County District Court criminal offenses it the misdemeanor crime of Assault in the Second Degree.

Criminal Law Article Section 3-203 makes committing assault a crime, and simply states "A person may not commit an assault." The crime is a misdemeanor and carries a maximum penalty of ten years of incarceration and $2500 fine.

What Makes a Second Degree Assault?

There are three basic actions that can be considered assault.

  1. "Battery", which is causing offensive physical contact, in any degree, to another person. The contact must be the result of an intentional or reckless act, but not accidental, as long as the offensive physical contact was not consented to or legally justified.

  2. "Attempted battery", which is trying to cause offensive physical contact to another person with the intent to do so, as long as the attempted contact was not consented to or legally justified. Think of the expression, a swing and a miss.

  3. Intent to frighten another with the threat of offensive physical contact, which is an act which a person does with the intent to place someone in fear of being hit, coupled with the apparent ability to do so, which is actually perceived that person and reasonable places that person in fear, again, as long as the action is not legally justified. Think about the "made you flinch" game.

Assault First Degree in Howard County

The crime of Assault in the First Degree, also referred to sometimes as aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon, is a more serious version of Assault in the Second Degree, but at base, it is just the same type of assault with aggravating factors. It can be separated into three categories.

Criminal Law Article Section 3-202 indicates that a person commits the crime of Assault in the First Degree if that person intentionally causes or attempts to cause serious physical injury to another. "Serious physical injury"means a physical injury that creates a substantial risk of death or causes permanent or protracted serious disfigurement, loss of function or impairment of function of any bodily member or organ.

In practice, whenever significant injuries result from an assault requiring hospitalization of one party, or broken bones, or photos showing significant severe injuries, the charge of Assault in the First Degree is usually levied against the person alleged to have caused those injuries.

Assault in the First Degree is a felony carrying a maximum penalty of twenty-five years of incarceration.

Contact a Howard County Assault Lawyer today

The most important thing you can do if you're charged with an assault in Howard County is to speak with an experienced second degree assault attorney. Max Frizalone and Luke Woods have years of experience handling assault second degree cases of every type. We are more than happy to provide a free consultation regarding your case, put our expertise to work for you.

Areas we serve

20701 (Annapolis Junction),21029 (Clarksville), 21044 (Columbia), 21045 (Columbia), 21046 (Columbia), 21723 (Cooksville),21036 (Dayton), 21075 (Elkridge), 21163 (Ellicott City), 21042 (Ellicott City), 21043 (Ellicott City), 20759 (Fulton), 21737 (Glenelg), 21738 (Glenwood), 20777 (Highland), 20794 (Jessup), 20763 (Savage), 20723 (Scaggsville), 21794 (West Friendship), 21797 (Woodbine)

About the County

According to the 2010 Census, there are 287,085 people residing in the County with a population density of 1,061 people per square mile (409 people per square kilometer). The county is the 21st largest out of 24 in Maryland and has a land area of 449 square miles (1,168 square kilometers). According to the United States Census Bureau, as of July 2016, there were an estimated 309,380 people living in Howard County.

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Columbia Office
6304 Woodside Court, Suite 110
Columbia, MD 21046

(410) 346-9384