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Felony Drug Charges in Maryland

Felony drug charges are some of the most serious criminal offenses in Maryland. These charges can result from the possession of large quantities of drugs, trafficking, or the manufacturing of illegal substances. If convicted, individuals could face years of imprisonment, significant fines, and a permanent criminal record.

At FrizWoods, we specialize in defending clients against drug offenses, offering a robust defense strategy aimed at reducing or eliminating these serious charges.

What Constitutes a Felony Drug Charge in Maryland?

In Maryland, drug-related offenses can be classified as either misdemeanors or felonies. The classification depends on factors such as the type of drug, the quantity involved, and the intent (e.g., personal use versus distribution).

Common types of felony drug charges include:

  • Possession with intent to distribute: If you are caught with a substantial amount of drugs, the law may assume you intended to distribute them, even if the drugs were for personal use.
  • Drug trafficking: This involves the transportation of illegal substances across state or national borders.
  • Drug manufacturing: This includes cultivating illegal substances or producing drugs such as methamphetamine in a lab.

The severity of the charges often hinges on the type of drug involved. Maryland law classifies drugs into different "schedules" under the Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS) Act, with Schedule I substances like heroin and cocaine resulting in more severe penalties compared to Schedule V drugs.

Potential Penalties for Felony Drug Convictions

Penalties for felony drug charges are significantly harsher than for misdemeanors. Maryland imposes mandatory minimum sentences for certain felony drug offenses. The exact penalties can vary depending on the circumstances of the case but may include:

  • Lengthy prison sentences: Felony drug convictions can carry sentences ranging from several years to life in prison, particularly in cases involving large-scale drug distribution or trafficking.
  • Substantial fines: Felony convictions can lead to fines of tens of thousands of dollars, especially for high-level trafficking operations.
  • Probation and community service: In some cases, defendants may be sentenced to probation, but felony drug convictions often result in mandatory incarceration.
  • Permanent criminal record: A felony conviction can have long-term effects on your life, including challenges in finding employment, housing, and education opportunities.

Defending Against Felony Drug Charges

If you're facing felony drug charges in Maryland, an experienced criminal defense attorney is crucial. At FrizWoods, we explore all possible defense strategies, including:

  • Challenging the legality of the search and seizure: Many drug cases hinge on how evidence was obtained. If law enforcement conducted an illegal search or violated your Fourth Amendment rights, the evidence against you could be suppressed.
  • Questioning the chain of custody: We carefully review the handling of evidence, ensuring that no errors occurred that could compromise the case against you.
  • Lack of knowledge or intent: In some cases, individuals may be unaware they were in possession of illegal substances, or there may be insufficient evidence to prove intent to distribute.

Legal References

Maryland law outlines the severity of felony drug charges under the MD Code, Criminal Law 5-602 to 5-612, which covers everything from possession with intent to distribute to manufacturing controlled substances. The penalties are also detailed in Maryland's Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions.

Contact FrizWoods for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one are facing felony drug charges, it's critical to act fast. The attorneys at FrizWoods are well-versed in Maryland's drug laws and can craft a defense strategy tailored to your case. Contact us for a free consultation today!


What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony drug charge? A misdemeanor drug charge typically involves small amounts of drugs intended for personal use. Felony charges are much more serious and usually involve larger quantities or intent to distribute, resulting in harsher penalties.
Can felony drug charges be reduced? Yes, with the right defense strategy, some felony drug charges can be reduced to misdemeanors, or dismissed entirely, depending on the circumstances of your case.
How long do felony drug charges stay on your record? Felony convictions remain on your criminal record permanently unless they are expunged, which is possible only under limited circumstances.
What should I do if I'm charged with a felony drug offense? The best first step is to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help navigate the complexities of Maryland's drug laws and defend your rights.