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What Should I Do If I’m Charged with a Crime in Maryland? Steps to Take Immediately

Facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming and frightening experience. It’s easy to panic, but how you handle the situation in the first few hours and days can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if you’re charged with a crime in Maryland.

1. Stay Calm and Comply with Law Enforcement

When you are charged with a crime, whether it’s a misdemeanor offense or a more serious felony, your first reaction may be fear or anger. It’s essential, however, to stay calm. Comply with law enforcement’s instructions, even if you believe the arrest is unfair. Resisting arrest or arguing with police officers can complicate your situation and lead to additional charges.

At this stage, anything you say can and will be used against you in court. Avoid making statements, explanations, or excuses, no matter how innocent you may feel. Stay respectful, but exercise your right to remain silent until you have a lawyer present.

2. Ask for an Attorney

The moment you are arrested or charged with a crime, one of the most critical rights you have is the right to legal representation. The U.S. Constitution grants you the right to an attorney, and in Maryland, this means you should immediately request a criminal defense lawyer. Having an attorney present as early as possible ensures that you do not inadvertently incriminate yourself or waive any rights.

Remember, even if law enforcement makes it seem like they are trying to help you, their primary goal is to gather evidence. Only your attorney will be working to protect your best interests.

3. Do Not Discuss Your Case with Anyone

After being charged, you may want to talk to friends, family, or others about what happened. However, anything you say -even in a private conversation- could potentially be used against you in court. It’s best to keep details of your case between you and your lawyer.

This rule applies to phone calls made from jail, which may be recorded. Even casual remarks can be twisted and used as evidence, so be cautious.

4. Understand the Charges Against You

It is essential to fully understand the charges you are facing. In Maryland, criminal charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies, and each carries different potential penalties. Common charges include DUI/DWI, assault, theft, drug offenses, and more serious crimes like armed robbery or murder.

Ask your lawyer to explain the charges in detail, including the potential consequences. Understanding what you’re up against can help you and your lawyer develop the best defense strategy.

5. Preserve Evidence and Witness Information

If you have any evidence related to your case, such as text messages, emails, photos, or videos, make sure it is preserved. For example, if you have video footage of the incident or a witness who saw what happened, this information could be critical to your defense.

Gather any potential witness contact information and provide it to your attorney as soon as possible. Witnesses can provide testimony that corroborates your version of events and casts doubt on the prosecution’s case.

6. Post Bail if Possible

In many cases, after you are charged with a crime in Maryland, [you will have the opportunity to post bail]( . Posting bail allows you to be released from custody while awaiting trial, which gives you the freedom to continue working on your defense without the restrictions of jail.

Work with your attorney to determine if posting bail is an option for you, and if so, how much it will cost. If you cannot afford bail, your lawyer may be able to file a motion to reduce the bail amount.

7. Build a Strong Defense Strategy

Once you have an attorney, it’s time to work on your defense. Your lawyer will investigate the case, gather evidence, interview witnesses, and challenge the prosecution’s evidence. Maryland criminal defense attorneys like those at FrizWoods LLC are experienced in a wide range of criminal cases and will know the best defense strategies to employ based on the specifics of your case.

Defense strategies can include questioning the legality of your arrest, challenging the credibility of witnesses, disputing forensic evidence, and filing motions to suppress illegally obtained evidence. Your lawyer will guide you through each step.

8. Attend All Court Dates

Failing to show up for court can have serious consequences, including the issuance of a bench warrant for your arrest. It’s essential to attend every court date, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Work with your lawyer to ensure you are prepared for each appearance.

During your court dates, listen to your attorney’s advice, follow the court’s rules, and remain professional. Showing the court that you are taking your charges seriously can positively affect the outcome of your case.

9. Avoid Social Media

In today’s digital age, it can be tempting to post about your situation on social media. However, social media posts can be used as evidence against you, even if you think they are private or unrelated to the case. Prosecutors and law enforcement often monitor social media accounts to gather information.

To avoid potential issues, it’s best to refrain from posting on social media until your case is resolved. Speak with your lawyer before sharing anything online to ensure you don’t inadvertently harm your defense.

10. Follow Your Lawyer’s Advice

The legal process can be complicated, and you may not always agree with the steps your attorney suggests. However, it’s essential to follow their advice. Criminal defense lawyers have experience navigating the courts, working with prosecutors, and developing strategies that are in your best interest. Trust your lawyer to lead your defense and ensure you have the best possible chance of a favorable outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I’m arrested?
Stay calm, comply with law enforcement, and exercise your right to remain silent. Request a lawyer immediately and avoid discussing your case with anyone other than your attorney.

Can I represent myself in court?
While it’s possible to represent yourself, it’s not advisable. Criminal cases are complex, and having an experienced attorney can significantly improve your chances of success.

What happens if I miss a court date?
Missing a court date can result in a bench warrant being issued for your arrest. Always attend all court dates or work with your attorney to reschedule if necessary.

Can I post bail and get out of jail?
In many cases, you can post bail to be released from jail while awaiting trial. Work with your lawyer to determine your bail options and whether a reduction is possible.

Should I talk to the police if they want to ask me questions?
It’s best to exercise your right to remain silent and request a lawyer before answering any questions from law enforcement. Anything you say can be used against you in court.


If you’ve been charged with a crime in Maryland, it’s crucial to act quickly and thoughtfully. The steps you take in the immediate aftermath of your arrest can significantly impact the outcome of your case. By hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney and following the proper legal steps, you can protect your rights and work towards the best possible outcome. The attorneys at FrizWoods LLC are ready to help you through this challenging time and fight for your rights.

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